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Khagiin Khar Lake

Khagiin Khar Lake

Khagiin Khar is a glacial lake in the depths of Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area in the Baga Khentii Mountain range. The 2.5 km by 1 km lake lies at 1817 m above the sea level, surrounded by coniferous forests. An average depth of the lake is 11 m while it reaches 25 m at its deepest. Reflection of the surrounding coniferous tree-covered mountains in the lake water makes the lake more beautiful. As the lake is only accessible by foot, horse or helicopter, the way to the lake and its surrounding remained pristine. Therefore, the lake is called “Secret beauty.” Its inaccessibility allows the wild animals such as red deer, elk, roebuck, musk deer, brown bear, wolf, lynx, and wolverine have left peacefully in the wild without danger of people.
The Khol River takes its source flowing through 20m high canyon before flowing into the Khongor River. Underground Khiidiin River and Davanii streams are the main confluences of the lake.
The location of the lake is relatively close, just 110 km from Terelj National Park and 180 km from Ulaanbaatar, but requires active and adventure travel due to its inaccessibility by vehicle. Not only the inaccessibility of vehicles, but the trails to Khagiin Khar Lake are also burden with bushes, forests, and swamps when doing hiking or horse riding. Though, difficult roads always lead to a beautiful destination.