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Mongolia Flag

Mongolia Flag Facts and Meaning

What does the Mongolian flag represent?

The Mongolia flag is three equal vertically striped with red on each side and a single blue in the middle. The red symbolizes freedom, prosperity, and progress. The blue represents the eternal blue sky. The national symbol Soyombo centers on the hoist side red.

Mongolia flag

When was the Mongolian flag created – Mongolia Flag History

The current flag was adopted on 12 February 1992 when the Mongolian democratic constitution came into force on the same day.

What is the symbol on the Mongolian flag?

Mongolian theocratic leader First Bogd Zanabazar created the Soyombo as the first script in the 90 letters alphabet in 1686. The Soyombo survived as a Mongolian national symbol, although the alphabet did not receive much approval from the public as it was too complicated to use.
To explain the Soyombo symbol starting from the top;
The fire flame and its three prongs symbolize growth and prosperity in the past, present, and future.
Below are the sun and moon, signifying eternity.
The triangles are arrowheads that symbolize protection.
Two horizontal rectangles symbolize honesty, justice, and strength in national stability.
The two fish symbol resembles the ying-yang expressing multiplication and vigilance as the fish does not blink its eyes.
The two side vertical rectangles speak for a protective wall or fortress.